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Library Early Access

Dear Friends, 

In this article, I would like to talk about subscribing to our library while it is still under construction. 

It is important for you to know that our library is still new, which means there will be a series of inconveniences for early subscribers – you can check out our Growing Pains article for some details. 

Despite these inconveniences, we believe our content still offers value, and would like to provide “early access” to subscribers who see that value and don’t mind the issues. 

By analogy, imagine an author writing a book – instead of waiting to publish the entire book once it is finished, the author would be allowing readers to access each individual chapter as it is finished one by one. Similarly, instead of waiting to open our library to the public only once the entire collection of content is available, we are allowing subscribers to access it even while content is still being added. 

Our early access subscription is essentially the same as our future regular subscription, with pricing as the only main difference. We think it is unreasonable to charge our intended full price for access to a library that isn’t well stocked with educational content yet, so we are offering “early access pricing”. 

Our early access subscription fee is $10.00 USD per month, and will stay there until we determine our library has been well established. We will then eventually increase our subscription fee to reflect the increase in value provided by our completely stocked library. 

Don’t worry, we will post notice of any fee increases a few weeks prior, so you have ample time to decide whether you want to renew at the higher full price or cancel your subscription.  

As a potential subscriber, you therefore have two options: 

Subscribe now – you can subscribe now, at the early access price, and join us for the ride while we build our library – with the fair warning and understanding that our library is under construction, and will have some inconveniences and failings. 

Subscribe later – you can wait to subscribe later, at full price (full price yet to be determined), once our library has been well established and is fully stocked with content. 

In either case, you can subscribe through the same subscription portal.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to message us via our contact page or our subscriber only library help desk

All the best, 

Ricardo Vollbrechthausen

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