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Growing Pains

Dear Friends, 

In this article, I want to share a few comments about our new library for our early subscribers. 

To begin with, I’d like to thank you all for being among the first subscribers to our new online library. I sincerely appreciate your support, and am excited to have you all along for the ride. 

I want to address a few “growing pains” issues up front, so that you know what to expect as “early adopters”. Every new business venture has an awkward phase at the beginning, and I want to thank you all in advance for your patience. 

So, let’s take a quick look at some of the issues;

    Growing Pains

    I want to focus on three main “growing pain” issues that I think are worth noting; 

    Lack of Content

    Since our library is quite new, one of the first things you will definitely notice is a lack of content. For example, there are quite a few sections, and even entire pages, that are labeled as “intentionally blank”. These sections are placeholders, and will hopefully fill up over time. 


    Another issue you might notice is that our content structure and uploading schedule might seem random or disjointed. 

    Topic Randomness – For example, you might see an article uploaded about accounting, and then two articles about the history of monetary systems, and then a collection of articles containing maps of resource distribution in east asian countries. 

    Upload Schedule randomness – Similarly, you might notice randomness in upload timing – we might upload three articles one week, none the next two weeks, and then five the week after. 

    Even though all of this might seem random on the surface, we hope the end result will make sense. 


    Finally, as we continue to add more and more content, you will notice periods of restructuring, reorganizing, and reframing. You will also notice some brief periods where hyperlinks might not link up correctly as changes in web addresses might take some time to propagate throughout our website. 

    Our library, like all libraries, is a permanent work in progress, but this earlier stage of development will have a lot more “under construction” situations than later stages. Once our collections are more mature, I hope our navigation systems, catalogs, and general structure will stabilize into their final long term forms. 

    Closing Remarks

    We are very aware that lack of content, apparent randomness, and frequent restructuring all hinder your experience with us – therefore, we are committed to resolving these growing pain issues as quickly as possible. 

    In closing, I’d like to thank you all once again for joining us on this journey, and thank you all in advance for your patience!

    If you have any questions, comments, advice, or concerns, please feel free to message us via our contact page

    All the best, 

    Ricardo Vollbrechthausen

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