Table of Contents

Library Catalog

Dear Friends, 

Welcome to the R.V.S. Library,  

This page hosts our main library catalog, which serves as the central hub that links to all our content.

You can find out more about us, and about our library through these articles. 

You can also search through our collections by keywordor take a look at our most recent uploads.

hope these links help you find what you’re looking for!

As a quick note, the tree symbols next to some links, “♣︎”, indicates the attached link goes to a “branching” sub-catalog or archive page. These different sub-catalogs and archive pages are helpful, because they organize our content by key characteristics, such as date of publication, use case, and/or topic covered.

Please note, if you are not logged in, you will be denied access to our content and be redirected to our login pageIf you are not yet a subscriber,  please create an account here 

All the best, 

Ricardo Vollbrechthausen

Main Topics and Collections

Organization Notes: Topics in this section are loosely organized by difficulty and importance – easier or foundational topics appear closer to the top, while more difficult, specialized, or niche topics appear closer to the bottom. For example, math and accounting appear higher / earlier on this list than valuation and financial projections, since a solid understanding of the former are pre-requisites for attempting to learn the latter. 

New Subscriber Onboarding & Orientation

These articles will help you get familiar with our company, our website, and our content. A good place to start for new subscribers. 

♣︎ Subscriber Orientation Catalog

Utility of Subscriber Onboarding and Orientation

About Us

About RVS – Introduction to Ricardo Vollbrechthausen Studios, LLC 

RVS Company Newsletter Archive – Archive of our company’s general messages to our community.

Website Construction Tracker – A notification page to keep our subscribers in the loop about key projects we are working on. 

About You

Share your Story – Portal where you can submit stories about yourself, your business and investing ventures, and your experiences with our website.

Library Help Desk – Portal where you can submit any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our website, our content, or your subscription 

Introduction to our Library and Content

Library Overview – Introduction to our Library, target audience, and content guide.

Library Early Access – Quick explanation of our “Early Access” phase of development and subscriptions. 

Trigger Warning and Liability Disclaimer – Trigger warnings, and liability disclaimers, for content that you may find potentially harmful, upsetting, and/or offensive on this website.  

Website Navigation, Layouts, Organization

Page Layouts – Introduction to our website’s page layouts and navigation systems. 

Article Layouts – Introduction to our article format and structure.


Goal Setting and Action Planning

These articles will help you identify where you are at in life currently, where you would like to go, and how you might want to get there. 

♣︎ Goal Setting and Action Planning Catalog

Goal Setting Collection Learning Goals 

Utility of Goal Setting and Action Planning 

Student led learning – It’s your life – you’re in the drivers seat. we are just a service provider here to help you achieve what you want to achieve. If you don’t want to achieve anything, that’s ok. if you want to achieve a lot, that’s ok too. 

Goal Setting Cycle

Education Goal Setting (look before you jump)

Financial Goal Setting

Anti-Charity Portal – A “tongue-in-cheek” introduction to anti charity pledges as a tool to keep yourself motivated and accountable in your pursuit of goals. 




Life Goal Buckets

Financial Goals

Introduction to Financial Goals  – Definitions and examples of common financial goals. 

Dream Budget

Minding the Gap


Utility of Goal Setting


Self Assessment

Utility of Self Assessments

Onboarding Questionnaire

Be Honest with Yourself 

Starting Point Assessment 

KSAO Evaluations

SWOT Evaluations

Environment Scanning and Surveillance


Action Plans

Action Plans in General

Utility of Action Plans

Three Main Economic Action Plans


Jobs and Careers

Career Plans



Portfolio and Investment Plans



Business Plans


Principles of Self Care

♣︎ Principles of Self Care Catalog

Utility of Self Care Principles

Survivalism 1.0 – DIY Homesteading

Survivalism 2.0 – Team Homesteading

Survivalism 3.0 – Fractionated Property Ownership

Survivalism 4.0 – Tech Revolutions



Maslow’s Hierarchy


Psychology and Philosophy

♣︎ Psychology and Philosophy Catalog

Utility of Psychology –  Utility of Philosophy 

Responding to Mean Comments – There are haters everywhere, and learning how to deal with them is a key life and business skill. 

Negative attention seeking won’t work here


♣︎ Math Catalog

Utility of Math










♣︎ Accounting Catalog 

Utility of Accounting

Accounting Cycle

Financial Statements Crash Course

Balance Sheet

Income Statement

Cash Flow Statements


♣︎ Economics Catalog

Utility of Economics

Etymology of Economics – Economics vs Oikonomia 

Economics vs Finance 



Utility of Macroeconomics



Utility of Macroeconomics

Economic History


Utility of Economic History





♣︎ Markets Catalog

♣︎ Market Briefings Archive – Archive of briefs about market conditions. 

Utility of Markets, Utility of Market Awareness

Equity Markets

US Large Cap Equities List – A reference list of the top 10 companies by market cap in each market sector. 

Credit Markets, Rates and Yields

(Intentionally Blank)


Currency / Foreign Exchange Markets

(Intentionally Blank)

Commodity Markets

(Intentionally Blank)

Labor Markets

(Intentionally Blank)

Real Estate Markets

(Intentionally Blank)

Derivatives Markets

(Intentionally Blank)

Crypto and Collectibles Markets

(Intentionally Blank)

Economic Indicators

♣︎ Economic Indicators Archive

♣︎ Economy Briefings Archive – Archive of briefings about economic conditions

Utility of Economic Indicators

Indicator Theory


(Intentionally Blank)

Production (GDP)

(Intentionally Blank)

Employment / Unemployment

(Intentionally Blank)

Inflation (CPI)

(Intentionally Blank)

Corporate Governance

♣︎ Corporate Governance Catalog

Utility of Corporate Governance

Corporate Structure

(Intentionally Blank)

Corporation Directors and Officers

(Intentionally Blank)

Corporate Meetings and Rules of Order

– “Robert’s Rules of Order, 12th Edition”


Business Communication

♣︎ Business Communication Catalog

Utility of Business Communication

– “A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th Edition” by Kate L Turabian

– “Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition”


Business Etiquette

♣︎ Etiquette Catalog

Utility of Business Etiquette 


Professional Service Providers

Utility of Professional Service Providers


Language Learning and Linguistics

♣︎ Language Learning and Linguistics Catalog

Utility of Language Learning and Linguistics

Language Learning Theory

(Intentionally Blank)

    Sample Language Study Plan: German

    (Intentionally Blank) 


    Theory of Education and Learning

    ♣︎ Theory of Education Catalog 

    Utility of Education

    Utility of Learning about Theory of Education (teaching and learning)

    Prescriptivism vs Descriptivism

    Utility of Utility Articles


    Library Science

    ♣︎ Library Science Catalog

    Utility of Library Science


    Reference Content

    ♣︎ Reference Content Catalog 

    Utility of Reference Content


    2024 Events Calendar – List of major holidays, economic events, and political events that are expected for 2024. 


    Reference Lists

    US Large Cap Equities List – A reference list of the top 10 companies by market cap in each market sector. 

    Industrial Classification Systems

    “NAICS Manual” US Census Bureau

    Trademark Categories

    Stock Market Sectors

    Serial Content

    ♣︎ Serials Catalog – List of all Sub-catalogs and Archives that contain Serial Content

    Utility of Serial Content

    Serial Content Overview – Article introducing the scope and purpose of our serial content. 

    Key Sub-Catalogs and Archives

    Site Map

    Navigation Tips

    Here are some tips that might help you navigate our article archives: 

    • Multiple Listings – Articles may be listed multiple times if they are relevant to multiple sections. 
    • Unlinked Titles – If article titles are not hyperlinked/blue, that means those articles are either currently offline, under maintenance,  or they are placeholder titles for new articles that are still works in progress. Please note, placeholder titles for works in progress are not a guarantee that those articles will be published under that title – placeholder titles are often changed multiple times prior to publishing under a final title. 
    • Frequent Changes – This archive page is edited relatively frequently – with sections and articles being added, removed, merged, or redirected onto other pages – please make sure to visit often to keep up with any updates.