Table of Contents

Library Overview

Dear Friends, 

Welcome to Ricardo Vollbrechthausen Studios (“RVS”) and the RVS library. 

In this article, I would like to provide an overview of our Library, focusing on our target audience, the value we hope our library provides, and the type of content you can expect to find here.

By sharing our library’s topics and scope up front, I hope to set your expectations for your subscription. Should you subscribe, I will assume that you’re on-board with the services and content I’ve outlined here. 

Please make sure to review our Early Access and Growing Pains articles, along with our Tax deductible subscription article. 

As time goes on, the topics and scope of content included may evolve. If the changes are small, I will simply refresh this article to keep it current. If the changes are more significant, I will publish a new overview article to ensure subscribers are informed about our intended path forward. 

Target Audience

Investors, Entrepreneurs, and Professionals

The content in our library is primarily written to help individuals develop the knowledge and skill set required to pursue business ventures, investments, and other “for profit” ventures – usually in order to fund the lives and lifestyles they’d like to lead. 

Therefore, our target audience consists of existing or aspiring investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals that are working on achieving their financial and economic goals. 

Our content is especially focused on teaching to the financial literacy needs of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs), Board Directors, and C-Suite executives, as their financial decisions are often more complex and economically consequential. It is our hope (although not a guarantee) that an expanded knowledge base and skill set will allow these individuals to pursue their goals more efficiently and effectively.

RVS Employees

In addition to helping our subscribers, this library also serves as an educational resource for our own team here at RVS. Therefore, it is important to mention that there will always be a bias in our content towards our company’s preferred strategies, methods, and perspectives.

In situations where multiple approaches exist, we will try to present a variety of perspectives that we believe represent a comprehensive understanding of financial literacy topics. While adherence to our guidelines is usually required for RVS employees, our subscribers have the liberty to embrace our preferred approach, or to consider any of the alternatives we provide – best tailoring your choices to fit your circumstances and objectives.

Library Utility

Investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals are all united by the shared ambition of generating wealth. As the saying goes, “money makes the world go round”.

Therefore, the content in our library is written to help individuals develop the knowledge and skill set required to pursue their target business ventures, investments, and other “for profit” ventures. 

There are two major utility paths we hope our content provides = preventing loss and pursuing gains:

Preventing Loss

Investing, entrepreneurship, and business management are not easy endeavors – especially if you have gaps in your knowledge base and skill set.

For example, there’s a lot of bad things that can happen in the world of finance – businesses failing, going personally bankrupt, or getting scammed.

While we can’t promise these things won’t happen to you if you invest in your financial literacy competence, these negative things are much more common for those who lack a solid understanding of financial and economic principles. Ignorance and incompetence are often correlated with preventable financial losses, missed investment opportunities, and unmet financial needs.

By learning about finance and economics, you are statistically giving yourself a better chance at avoiding pitfalls for the uninformed.


Pursuing Gains

In addition to helping you prevent loss, we also hope to equip our subscribers with insights, tools, and skills which we hope can be used to seize business opportunities, maximize investment returns, and achieve goals more effectively. Being well versed in financial literacy is never a guarantee of success, but it does have improved chances of success.

For example, financial literacy competence is a competitive advantage in many fields and ventures, as many of your trading partners, business competitors, or career rivals might not be as well informed as they should be. Financial literacy competence might also allow you to select more lucrative business models, industry niches, geographies, or career paths. Finally, financial literacy is also key for managing your personal and household finances – smart spending is just as important as smart earning.

Therefore, the utility of this library, and of our role as its curator, lies in pinpointing and bridging knowledge gaps that we believe are relevant to achieving financial success, and preventing financial loss. It is our hope that through our articles, our subscribers will be empowered to navigate their path to financial and economic prosperity more efficiently and effectively.

Future Content and Curation

The core mission of our library is to provide subscribers with access to educational content about Capitalism, Finance, and Economics. If you’d like an overview of our current content collection, please feel free to view our library catalog

In terms of future content, our long term goal is to build an expansive resource that covers the main elements of investing savvy and financial literacy. Therefore, it is important to note that this library is a permanent work in progress – with content being added, removed, or updated all the time. We also hope to share opinion pieces and information on topics such as politics, social concerns, and philosophy – which we hope will provide a  more holistic understanding and integration of our financial and economics content into the bigger picture. 

Planned topics include:

  • Goal Setting, Action Planning, Prioritization, Time Management 
    • Business Planning 
    • Career Planning 
    • Portfolio Planning 
    • Budgeting and Expense Planning 
    • Household and Corporate Governance 
  • Applied Philosophy and Applied Psychology
    • Brain structures and chemistry behind financial and economic pursuits
    • Navigating wealth and personal relationships 
    • Emotions, beliefs, and behaviors around wealth
    • Philosophy applied to financial and economic pursuits


  • Overviews of Current Events and Systems 
    • Market Overviews – (Eg. Stocks, Bonds, Labor, Crypto)
    • Economic Indicator Overviews – (Eg. GDP, Inflation, Interest rates)
    • Current Trend Overviews – (Eg. Technology, Climate, Geopolitics)
    • Industry and Sector Overviews – (Eg. Pharma, Military, Mineral Extraction)
    • Careers and Corporate Role Overviews – (Eg. Board of Directors, C-Suites, Mgmt)
    • Geo-science and Anthropology – (Eg. Demographics, Population Trends, Natural Resources Distribution)


  • History and Theory of Finance and Economics
    • Histories of successful individuals, enterprises, and societies.
    • Histories of failed individuals, enterprises, and societies. 
    • Economic Schools of thought – (Eg. Classical, Neo-Liberal, Marxist)
    • Political-Economic Ideologies – (Eg. Capitalism, Communism, Feudalism, Mercantilism)


  • Tools, Tips, and Tricks
    • Math for Finance and Economics
    • Research methods 
    • Accounting
    • Financial Modeling
    • Valuation
    • Forecasting 
    • Pricing
    • Tax Filing
    • Estate Planning 

While a collection of content covering all these topics will take time to grow, we are confident in our ability to create a holistic financial literacy resource for our subscribers – and we hope you will tag along with us for the ride. For a tentative breakdown of our content creation and uploading plan, you can check out our tentative RVS Content Creation Plan.

What this Library is Not...

Now that we have discussed what this Library is, or hopes to be, I also want to discuss what it is not – so there are no misunderstandings or issues going forward. 

To begin with, it is important to note that subscribing to a financial literacy educational services provider, such as this library, does not and can not guarantee specific financial, business, investing, or economic results for you or anyone. This is true about our financial literacy content, or any financial literacy content. Numerous studies have noted that individuals who work on improving their financial literacy skills will on average improve their economic and life outcomes. However, this improvement is “on average” – and it might not ultimately happen for you individually. So, while it is still a good idea to play the numbers and follow the statistics, it is also important to realize that success isn’t guaranteed, even after the pursuit of a solid financial literacy education. (We genuinely hope you succeed though, and wish all our subscribers the best luck!)


Not Investment or Financial Advice

I want to clearly state that this library’s content does not provide investing or financial advice. All articles published through this website are for educational purposes only.

To highlight the difference between advice and education: 

Advisors give specific actionable steps to take in specific circumstances in order to achieve specific goals for a specific individual, with some reasonable expectation of success. 

In contrast, educational services providers focus on providing general information about a topic or skill, to a general audience of students, which may or may not apply to any particular individual depending on their specific life circumstances or goals at a particular point in time. 

It is key to note that we can not give advice through this website, because we do not know the vast majority of our subscribers personally, are not familiar with your life circumstances, and have no idea what your life goals might be. Not only is it impossible for us to give you advice, but it is definitely impossible for us to give you “good advice”.

If you would like to avail yourself of financial, legal, investing, accounting, or other similar advice or services, please engage a licensed and registered professional in your jurisdiction.

Not a News or Data Provider

Our firm does not currently plan on publishing content that is journalistic in style or nature – There are plenty of news and data outlets out there that do the job admirably well. Our content is educational only, and you should not rely on it for any other purpose. 

For example: 

Timeliness – You should not rely on this library for timely updates or news about financial conditions, economic conditions, or market data. When I write articles, it is always with a time delay – and therefore the data and info is probably too late to be useful. 

Volatility – By the time you read any content here, the situation on the ground may (or may not) have already changed – sometimes significantly. Therefore, you should always check more current and reliable sources of data before making decisions or taking action.  

Accuracy – All data and info on this website is provided “as is”, with no guarantees as to its accuracy, completeness, applicability, utility, or fitness for any particular purpose.

If you require timely, up to date, or highly accurate news, financial data, market data, or economic data, please avail yourself of better resources. 

Not Securities Solicitation

Ricardo Vollbrechthausen Studios, LLC is not licensed, registered, or otherwise allowed to act as a “Financial Advisor, Asset Manager, or Broker Dealer” in any jurisdiction. 

This means that we will never recommend, offer, or solicit you to buy or sell any particular security, asset, investment plan, or investment strategy through this library of content, our email distribution lists, social media accounts, in person, or any other communication method. 

If you would like to participate in securities or other financial markets, please engage the services of a licensed and registered financial advisor, broker-dealer, or asset manager in your jurisdiction. 

Prior to subscribing and reading our Library, please make sure to review our Terms of Use page, as well as our Privacy Policy page for full details, warnings, and disclaimers. 

Closing Remarks

With all this information out of the way, I look forward to writing and sharing content with you guys! 

If you’d like, you can subscribe here

Once you’ve signed up, you can search through our content by using our navigation systems. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns through our Contact Us Page. 

All the best, 

Ricardo Vollbrechthausen

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